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A Little Joy: From Rosie

I like it when a stranger smiles at you in public.
I like it when people sing at the top of their lungs.
I like it when people look up to the sky as it rains.
I like it when kids jump over cracks in sidewalk.
I like it when a rainbow appears after rain.
I like it when someone laughs at their own joke.
I like it when people purposely drive through puddles on the sides of the road to create a wave.
I like it when dogs get excited to see their owners.
I like it when people drive through town to see Christmas lights.
I like it when older couples eat dinner together.
I like it when the sunset reflects on water.
I like it when people honk, sing loudly, close their eyes, make a wish or stick their heads out of the window in a tunnel.
I like it when people cheer at graduations.
I like it when kids jump in a pile of leaves.
I like it when strangers compliment each other.
I like it when people find out they have something in common.
I like it when you feel the warm sun.
I like when babies giggle when you play peekaboo.
I like it when people laugh so hard they start to cry.
I like it when you randomly see an old friend.
I like when a friend says “this reminded me of you!”
I like it when you find moments of joy in your life.

The most minor things could bring you loads of joy. Small moments like these are what make life so amazing. It’s hard to find the positive when your brain has been wired to only see the negative, but with practice you’ll find your way back happiness.


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