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I Wish You Were Here: From Morgan

Cheers to the wish you were here but you’re not… This lyric and the song Memories by Maroon 5 have been pushing me through to keep positive for the past year.

Grief is strange. It’s something you feel you can be prepared for right? Your grandparents are getting older and you feel like this is inevitable and then it happens, you get the call.

I think for me it hit on a deeper level. I’m not the type of person to open up easily, so it has been devastating when one of the key people you trust on the planet is physically gone. It’s scary, but I have to be forever grateful for the many many years we had together physically on the planet.

I learned so much from him and I know my grandfather is physically gone, but every day I try and live the fullest life I can for him because I know he is looking down watching and is so proud of me.


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