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Not The End: From Ale

We think that a broken heart is the end,
We think that we’ll never found someone like them again.
But we usually forget than some people are the road & not the end,
That we need them in our lifes because it is more important what we need to learn from them that the time we spend.

You will grow, you will change & everything is gonna be ok.
Just trust the universe, just trust yourself.

Your value is too high to lost it for someone else.


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We understand we sometimes need more support than writing and reading letters. We all experience hard times. But you are not alone. If you or someone you know is struggling, there are many forms of support. If you or a loved one is in immediate danger, call 911. It is important to notify the operator that it is a psychiatric emergency and ask for an officer trained to assist people experiencing a psychiatric emergency.

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