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I’m possible: From Elliot

I’m a female to male transgender. I realized I was trans when I was 11 years old. I tried to suppress the feeling for so long. I would tell myself that I was just a more masculine female, but then I started realizing that feeling like your drowning because you feel like you have a weight that is dragging you down on your chest or that wanting to hide certain things, make your voice deeper, and wanting anything in the world to pass as a male wasn’t what a masculine female thought. A year later I told my cousin who was like a brother to me and he told my whole family. My aunt disowned me told me I was going to hell and I was a disgrace to god. I felt like I had hit rock bottom and I was being held there. I started to self harm and there was this voice in my head that told me that being me and being happy that I had truly found my self was something to be ashamed of. Every chance she would get my aunt would would try to “cure my disease” and make me feel like shit. I eventually met somebody who told me that it was ok and that I was the strongest person they have ever met because my life was a living hell just because I wanted to be myself. They made me believe that it was ok to not be ashamed and that my aunt was wrong. They helped me stop self harming and to be proud of who I am and to tell my aunt that she’s going to hell because the real disgrace is her not letting me be myself. I now only surround myself with people who love and support me and lift up my spirit when I’m feeling bad about myself. My favorite quote is “nothing is impossible the word itself says I’m possible” and I know that is the cheesiest quote ever but it’s what I have to tell myself everyday because you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want because you and whatever you set your mind to is possible.


3 Responses

  1. Hey Elliot , I am an ftm person as well and I’m at that rock bottom right now . I am 13 so I came here to see if anyone els could relate to me in any way because I just felt so alone. So it’s so great to see someone els on here that’s like me 🙂 . I’m so glad your in a good place now and you met that person – James

    1. Hey James sorry it took a while to reply. The only good that comes from being at rock bottom is that you can only go up from there. I hope you get in a good place soon.

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